Ananda Maya Kosha, Layers of Bliss

Thursday , 16, January 2025 Leave a comment

Picture yourself peeling an onion layer by layer. As you peel away each successive layer and get deeper into the onion, the center is revealed. Koshas refer to man’s own natural layers of self, which are pathways back to his real nature. Discover more?

The innermost sheath is known as Ananda Maya Kosha or Bliss body. Here joy lives untouched by outer chaos, at home within its own eternal peace. Wavelike happiness seems to come and go from this place of blissful tranquility all day long.

Think again of your feelings while watching the sun go down on the ocean. With every wave that tickles your toes and a sky filled with little fluffy clouds, suddenly everything feels completely right. Do you feel a deep satisfaction in that moment you experience?

Starting life with the kosha as the goal for our journey, is an enthusiasm to be delighted in. It is not about finding peace; it´s living and laughing with wide arms all around you.

The session begins as teachers –be they yoga instructors orjiatsu practitioners– but more often than not a combination of both– start with deep-breathing exercises. These technically simple yet powerful exercises help focus the mind inward and to quiet that same mind. Think of it as tuning an acoustic instrument before playing it.

With the next inhalation participants are led to practice meditation, or “cleaning out an cluttered attic with long-forgotten treasures nestled under cob section” as one teacher lyrically phrased it. Through guided sessions in mental quiet, students learn more and more all the time about how to turn off that flow of chatter so common within themselves.

Yoga postures can be used to become heightened. They are more than just physical exercises–every pose becomes an opportunity for self reflection rather than striving towards perfection.

Despite its old-fashioned aura, journaling proves an effective device. At the close of each workshop participants are asked to jot down their thoughts. Peering underneath our daily distractions, is revealed a dialogue between heart and mind full of insights.

Has anyone else ever said that thanks to art they managed to find themselves? That’s also a part of the program here: giving aesthetic form to inner feeling. When on some piece of canvas you can capture your emotions, or with your creative imagination weave stories which clearly express things in life-then this is in fact an incredibly close proximity with oneself, strictly away from all other people’s values or opinions.

Group discussions can build community spirit by giving everyone an opportunity in a relaxed atmosphere to share experiences. Imagine being with friends who join together in story-telling as they sit around the campfire under a vast night sky flecked with stars.

Let’s talk about food-not gourmet meals, but nourishing and nutritive food practices. Suppose you taste each bite slowly, consciously experiencing textures, smells and tastes until fullness goes beyond mere stomach satisfaction.

What slides by in a vague and happy haze on single days becomes what one doesn’t do under prodding week after it looks as though it won’t-no pressure. A journey toward each individual’s own growth is taken by everyone as well.

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